Thursday, March 21, 2013

JuJu Hats And Their Integration Into Interior Design

About two years ago, while shopping at The Garage, a flea market in New York City, I came across the most beautiful feathered wall art. (I assumed it was wall art, and use it as such in my own home). It wasn't until I took my "unique" find home, that I started noticing similar feathered creations in design magazines, and blogs. To my surprise, I was taking part in a design trend. I did a little research, and learned that their formal name is Juju hat. (Referred to also as Babileke headdress or Tyn). These creations originated in Cameroon, where they were traditionally worn by the most important tribesmen. For many years, the feathers used to create the JuJu hat came from the feathers of parrots or other exotic birds. Here are some photos of the Juju hat in its natural habitat, as well as its integration into design.

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